Bedwetting Stories: How Goodnites® Helped My Child With ADHD

Aug 31, 2023 | 5 Minutes Read

Bedroom fort

According to our proprietary Landmark Study, parents of children with ADHD and/or Autism who are experiencing bedwetting overwhelmingly feel judged and misunderstood by their friends, families, and even other members of the ADHD and Autism communities. This shame can leave each family to face their challenges alone.

To shatter the bedwetting stigma and help everyone understand that it is a common experience, one family agreed to share their story with us.

Bedwetting Is Challenging

“My seven-year-old son has ADHD and Autism. Potty training took longer for him than my older son, but eventually we got there. Once he was staying dry overnight, we moved away from [diapers and pull-ups] completely. However, once he started Kindergarten, he began wetting the bed at night again.

It started occasionally. He would be in such a deep sleep that he wouldn’t wake up until he felt wet. As you can imagine, he was waking up in full scale meltdowns, where it was almost impossible to help or console him. Sometimes he would seem like he was still asleep, which made it even harder to clean him, the bed, and the sheets. Soon it felt like this was happening every night.

I was so tired and frustrated. I didn't understand how he went from staying dry through the night and waking up when he had to go to having nightly accidents.

The Search for Something to Help with Bedwetting

We tried everything. We limited liquids before bedtime. We made sure he was actually using the bathroom before he went to bed. We bought several new mattress protectors. And we even tried offering rewards for staying dry. Nothing worked. And it was pretty clear he couldn't help it.

Finally, my sister suggested nighttime nighttime underwear. At first, I balked. But tired and desperate, I agreed to give Goodnites® nighttime underwear a try. My son has slept through the night every night since. It feels like a miracle. He's not upset every night. I'm not overwhelmed and exhausted anymore. It was an all-around win, and I'm okay with knowing he might need them for a while.

Goodnites® Helped the Whole Family Get More Sleep

The other night my husband and I had plans for the evening, so the kids were with a babysitter at bedtime which is unusual for them. I was worried I would have to disturb him in order to put his Goodnites® on when I got home. When I went in to check on him, he sleepily sat up to show me he had put his own [nighttime underwear] on. That felt huge. I was so proud!

Even at seven-years-old, my son recognizes the value, realizes it's a part of his bedtime routine, and makes sure he puts them on before he goes to bed. It’s amazing!

If bedwetting is something your family is experiencing right now, I can't recommend enough that you give Goodnites® a try. My son doesn't wake up screaming anymore, which means he's not waking up his brother who then also couldn't go back to sleep. And I'm not cleaning messes up in the middle of the night anymore. Our whole family gets better sleep now.”

Bedwetting Happens. Goodnites® Can Help.

This family’s experience, while incredibly inspiring, is not unique. Bedwetting is common–occurring in 1 in 6 kids, and more frequently for kids with ADHD and/or Autism. Periods of change or heightened stress like starting school can also commonly lead to a regression or secondary bedwetting, just like the child above experienced. And just like his mother stated, bedwetting is not something a child can control. It’s not a behavior problem, it’s a medical condition.

While bedwetting isn’t a unique experience, every family is unique. Finding what works for your child may be a period of trial and error, but there is nothing wrong with finding something to help. Goodnites® is the #1 nighttime underwear* that can help your child wake up dry, and have up to 100% leak free nights. Goodnites® are available in sizes XS-XL, fitting kids up to 140lbs.

We’d like to thank this family for bravely sharing their story in the hopes of helping other families feel less alone. We encourage everyone to stand up to the bedwetting stigma by talking about bedwetting to loved ones, to friends, or in whichever manner you feel comfortable.
*Youth Pant Category Share Data