How to Overcome Nighttime Bedwetting Regression

Nov 02, 2022 | 2 minutes Read

Young girl asleep in bed

While some kids wet the bed every night, others may only have an accident a few times per month. And for those who aren’t frequent bedwetters, it can be confusing to have been dry for several weeks in a row and then suddenly discover they woke up with wet underwear. If your child experiences this, having an open and caring conversation can be helpful.

Interviews with many parents about their family’s experiences with bedwetting show that it looks a little bit different for everyone. Some kids wet the bed every night while others may only wet the bed a few times a month. As a parent, you’ll want to be sure you understand why kids wet the bed and how to be supportive . But if you’re wondering how to overcome bedwetting, keep in mind that it’s usually not anything a parent or child can fix or control. If their pediatrician says they’re healthy and developing well, there’s no need to worry.

Understanding Bedwetting Regression

While kids may have accidents long after they’ve been potty trained — especially at night — regression refers to when they are suddenly having more instances than usual or kids wet the bed after a long time has passed since their last instance. Whether you’re dealing with a bedwetting regression 3 year old or a bedwetting regression 6 year old, know that it can be confusing for a child. They may be disappointed or upset because they thought it was something they had already outgrown. 

Talking to Your Child about Bedwetting

While inconsistency can be frustrating, this is a time when it’s particularly important for parents to reassure their children. Make sure they feel comforted and supported by using calm and positive language. Remind them that it’s simply part of their development and eventually they’ll outgrow it permanently. Try these conversation points:

  • I see you woke up wet this morning. I want to let you know that having an accident like this is totally normal. 
  • Your body is still developing and, like we’ve talked about, some kids just take longer to be dry at night. 
  • This might happen occasionally at night and that’s perfectly okay! 
  • As you get older, your body will eventually grow out of this. 
  • In the meantime, I think we should keep using your Goodnites® NightTime Underwear under your pajamas. What do you think about that? 
  • Just remember how much we love and support you. We can talk about this anytime you want.
Making sure you  understand bedwetting  and talk to your child about their experience can make a big difference in their self-esteem. With the right conversations, you can help them worry less – and enjoy childhood more.