Seeking Alternative Methods for Nighttime Bedwetting

Nov 02, 2022 | 2 minutes Read

A Young boy laughing  while resting on bed

Parents will go to great lengths to ensure that their child is having the best childhood possible — and that includes finding alternative ways to make bedwetting stop as early as possible.

Parents will go to great lengths to ensure that their children are having the best childhood possible--and that includes finding ways to make bedwetting stop as early as possible. Though your child may be potty trained during the day, nighttime bedwetting can continue to occur for quite some time

Bedwetting is a completely normal developmental phase that 1 in 6 kids experience as they grow up; it's natural, and parents with older children know it passes with time. According to Dr. Laura Luzietti, MD, who serves as Medical Director at Every Child Pediatrics in Colorado, "Bedwetting is very common and is not usually a sign of an underlying medical problem.  Depending on what else is going on with the child, the pediatrician may want to rule out a urinary tract infection, diabetes, or constipation."

As reported by, constipation can put additional pressure on the bladder, which may lead to an issue with holding urine. Your pediatrician can give you and your child guidance on how to prevent constipation if it's determined to be a factor in the bedwetting.

After an underlying medical condition is ruled out, some parents will try turning to behavioral alterations such as limiting fluids 1-2 hours before bedtime, waking the child during the night to go to the bathroom, and using bedwetting alarms.

Bedwetting alarms go off when wetness occurs to awaken the child and possibly give them enough time to go to the bathroom. However, they may interrupt your child's natural sleep cycle, leading to unrestful sleep and a lack of energy the next day.

While some parents may try these behavioral tactics, others may seek alternative methods such as a chiropractor. Kacie Flegal D.C., a pediatric chiropractor and member of the International Chiropractic Pediatrics Association, says that “Chiropractic care is based on the understanding that functions of the body are controlled by the nervous system. The ability to auto-regulate those functions is dependent upon having clear messaging from the brain to the body and from the body to the brain."

"As children begin to crawl, stand, walk and move about, they experience normal bumps or falls, which over time can create stress to the spine—and possibly lead to misaligned and fixated vertebrae, what chiropractors call subluxations," she explains.

"If these are present within a child’s spine, it creates interference in messaging from the brain […], and nocturnal enuresis (bedwetting) may be a result. Chiropractors are the only professionals trained in the detection and correction of these subluxations.”

Before deciding on any treatment plan, including alternative methods, check with your child's pediatrician to discuss the options to be sure that the treatment path is the best choice for your family.

Nighttime wetting can still happen no matter how many times your little one goes potty before bedtime and how badly they want it to change. Set your family up for success by partnering with Goodnites® for a part of your child's bedtime routine. As the #1 nighttime underwear, Goodnites® protect your child from bedwetting and gives the entire family the chance to enjoy more priceless moments together instead of worrying about nighttime wetting.

Remember, you can't "fix" bedwetting—but you can give your child the best tool available to ensure he or she is as comfortable as possible until this phase passes.

These articles are not a substitute for medical advice, consult your doctor as needed.